Fresh start

Wooo.. Heyyyaa! Happy New Year once again !! How was your New Year celebrations everyone? I am having super fun here in India. I wanted to somehow writeup a post while in India itself - brr.. I'm depriving my afternoon nap and writing you this - so please read-on - hehe. Its been four weeks already - four weeks of vast differences - in food, traffic, discipline ( yes discipline) prices (some that made my eyes pop out and some that were dead-cheap) and oh the no-need-of-jeans and shoes every time-you-go-out feels fantastic! S and I have finished most of our to-do and to-eat checklist. We both have gained some 5 kg ever since we came here. Uhmm..This time we wanted to make a small tour with the family, watch movie together and have a dinner out with family - as a part of our checklist. And so, we had been to movies and to Kerala - a state in India with my dad, mom and sis. This is famously called the 'God's own country' mainly because of it...