Scribbles - yet again

Okay, so finally I find time to hear just the keyboard sounds as I write this post. Huff, what a brilliant May/June this year has been! Really peeps, there was back to back schedules (ofcourse they are more of a vacation, friends and family - but then, those are the moments everyone treasures, right?) making me scribble tons and tons of memories, now I have to catch-up so much to you! I was so much on travel, that I didn't take my laptop along too ! Well, in a way I was totally in the moments - off from social media. And it felt good.

Here's a quick wrap up before I go out to the supermarket - The first thing that you need to do especially after you're back from India - will be self-shopping. Huh!
Hmm, April .. Where was I? Oh yes, the last week of April span upto the first five days of May - in the beautiful, colorful Tulip Gardens at Keukenhof, Netherlands. It was a trip we went with the Mafia group (as we call our set of friends here - after a game called Mafia - guess most of the kids and teens would know this - it's still fun, you should try sometime!) And this time it was the biggest, with new-entries added rolling to a total of 13 - We therefore, took up a 9-seater and the rest shuffled travelling by bus/train. Perfect planning it was! S could drive only upto a 9-seater with his version of license, and we wanted to all go together - hence this plan. We stayed in a hiker's cabin - wooden chambers with double bunk beds and a small kitchen station with a hot plate and a socket. The showers were outside, crossing lanes of grasses and people camping, barbecuing, dancing, playing pep music - all with a pleasant weather. Yes, we dint have a heater - so we tugged in our sleeping bags with socks and headscarves on. It was the first time our Mafia group was camping with us (S and I had gone alone previously like to Norway and Swiss - as you would've read in my posts), and we had suddenly become an expert in camping - lol. They were shocked at first, but then got super excited by the time we had to leave. And we came back just like we went - no fights, no differences - I tho thought pakka we would fight - lol. A little bit of distance is always good - My opinion.

And then it was mid of May - my Birthday time of the year. Every year S has his own surprises - gifts or tours or taking me to places I've never been before. This year, he took me to the most picturesque places on Earth - Yes, it is worth it - Paris. Eiffel tower makes you simply awestruck and mesmerizes with her beauty! Somehow it makes you feel so calm, so close and breathe fresh air. And the night view - Spectacular. With Monalisa smiling on us and our hand-in-hand walk around the city, with rains as the background - Best Birthday gift ever. And oh, he got me a Marc Picard white-pink handbag - My first branded gift. 

The day after we were back from Paris, was a day off - and then I started off to India - Yes, yet again. My little sister's getting married! I so could not believe it until I went back home. So much of wedding preps, so much of sweets, so much relatives at home, so much fun - simply so much of everything. And S had come one week before the wedding, and happiness tripled around my home - after his arrival. It dawned and dusked in a bat of an eye. New clothes, new jewelry, new accessories, new cosmetics - the list went on and on. I relish all of the moments - The happiness in dad's smiles, cousins' and relatives' delight, S's disbelief that sis is getting married (he still feels her a kid - Hehe), mom's heartfelt contentment along with the bridal blush in my sis. 

After all this, I was back to Germany only week - and had to go to Office the very next day - to cope up with my humpty holidays. And so the jet lag, the tiredness and the 'holiday season is over- realization' all took me sometime, before I could write up to you. Well, now I sit back to settle in - contented with India trip this year - So the next will be my waiting for my parents' visit here to my home - atleast by next May. I so want to show around dad and mom, now with sis also here, I am extra delighted for their visit by next year. I really hope.


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