Our First Four Wheel

Hey peeps - So finally I found a full time job! :) Of all the things, if there was one thing I always missed was working in a corporate office. And I am ecstatic now! I never thought one single position could bring in so much respect and changes in and out of family. Ofcourse I miss going out with my girls , shopping and eating out all while S was at office - And watching my favorite TV Shows and talking hrs over the phone.
S was super excited as it all happened in a matter of two weeks. He was not really into me working, but then he knew I always wanted this and was delighted for me - just like my dad and sis. Mom was reciting thirukkural - an ancient tamil literature, quoting how proud she is. Fil had always wanted to see me work, especially because he wanted me to value my education - Elated he was.With Winter hitting and we both having to now travel everyday, going by bus was the only option. My office was pretty far so bicycling could never be an alternative. We had also been thinking if we need to get a car, even before I got to work.The city I stay itself is so small and well connected by public transportation that we dint need anytime soon. Summers we go by cycle and rest of the seasons we take the Monthly pass with one extra person. This way I can travel along with S. So it was kind of a vague, endless confusion if we actually needed a car now.

Car Mela:  The pre-car search had begun already when my parents were here this August - felt at home after 2.5 yrs with mom dad and sis all under one roof. S has this habit of searching, researching, Youtubing, reviewing, comparing - phew I ran out of verbs to describe - lol. And the final endproduct would be the Best buy of  the lot. So I'd spare him for that. It was so in contrast to my dad's buying style, as he goes to the showroom, decides there and buys. No wonder when dad saw S's intense research and thought he was going to buy in two weeks - And S said 'This is pre research'. Haha, everyone burst into laughter in shock :D

We started our shortlists - from apps, websites and advertisements. Okay, we need to get a car that could be bought only when living in Germany. BMW and Audi - top priorities. Done. We decided we start looking in and around my city - that way it would be easier to reach out to the dealer, if needed. The first week passed by going to three dealers, and it was ok-ok type. There was a stunning BMW Black, but somehow I dint like its feel when you test drive. Yeah, yeah I agree with the guys - BMW is the best 'driver's car'. We also liked one of the Audis pretty much, but it was a bluish grey color and only had a CD-drive. They dint have any others in stock. We had wanted a black or atleast a grey, but this - it was definitely not to be compromised for. First week - Flop. Every car we see, we had to tell them confirmation in two days max - Haan, so whenever we come, the deciding time is max two days. No point in going around every weekend just for cars - 'We go this week, decide from one of the lot this time, and make it final' : This was our thought the subsequent weekend.With two shortlists, we had to decide one or the other. The other two were in third priorities, so we had only two to choose from.  

We went to the showroom, examined and looked every detail - test drove and it felt simply amazing. The look itself was scintillating. Just that it was not black. This was a darker shiny grey, looked more like a charcoal grey - both S and I equally liked it. The features and audio system were too good - And I even told S , that it felt like the ad where a baby dreams of a unicorn while driving in car - that much was the comfort level. We were 80% sure, but the next was a black Audi. We wanted to see that as well, before we confirm. Except for the black, the interiors were beige and the audio system along with engine were not that great compared to our previous.And we decided to go for it. We signed the documents after clearing everything with the dealer, adding Premium warranty - and conducting a TUV test. It is required to have this test done, wherein the department checks of engine, brakes, oils, tyres, interior systems and the body paint, glass specifications etc. It is basically done by internationally-accredited independent product testing services in accordance with international standards. 

With this, he handed over the keys to us - wishing us all the verybest in our new vencture. Oh, I dint tell you - we got an AUDI A4.First Drive:His cousin wanted to tell everyone that her S Anna bought an Audi - she is extremely happy for him. When S's brother comes here, maybe they'll go on a brotherly-ride :) In India, the first drive of a new car is usually to a temple, where they do pooja wishing good ride and a healthy life for us. We had found for a temple nearby and drove there straight. With abhishegams, pooja and prashad, we felt at Home. They also keep four lemons under the car's wheels, and you crush them and take your car owing it thereonwards. They did it just like in India. We felt totally blessed and rode off back home, happily gearing upto 170 :) Audi - Vorsprung durch Technik.  Celebrating this day, we had dinner at a restaurant - To our First Car!

Yay, and soo...Our Car it became! :) Well, it still seems weird to say we have a car ourselves o.O I feel so proud of S - more because I knew him from school days, till date he never desires anything for himself. Well, I was an exemption though < wink wink> Having bought this car exclusively for him, I feel over the clouds. Totally agrreeable - Every first car is always special to a guy. Just like how first jewellery that a bf/husband gets a girl is special to her.


  1. Having a good public transportation is one of the blessings a city can give. Have noticed that many European countries have that.

  2. Hey, my story is very similar to you. .. left my job in India-got married and came to Munich. ..
    How did you found a job here. ...I'm looking for jobs since last seven months

    1. Hi Goddaughter, that is so nice to hear there are many more like me out there :)

      Yes it really is difficult to find a job, especially as married women, our scope of work search is also restricted. After almost 2 years, B1 German and a year of working part time I ended up with this full-time job :) Have patience, you will get it too - Everything happens for a reason!


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