Over the Rocks this Summer - Day 2

Day 2: Altendorf - Schrammtor- Schrammsteine - Jägersteig - Wildschützensteig- Czech Republic- Bad Spandau It was a new day. Trickles of raindrops woke us up. We had stayed in one of those friendly, home-bound establishments, that welcome Malerweg walkers. The place was especially lovely, with the Granny's friendly talks, t he soft mattress, perfect mountain view, cold beer, a hot shower and a fresh basket of breakfast waiting for us at the doorstep so early the next morning - all to provide us with the perfect stay! - even if it were for just one night. It was a perfect beginning, with mountains surrounding, fresh dew on the flowers in the front Yard - and the glowing Sun trying hard to peek its way out the clouds ( well, that indeed was promising, considering how dark the clouds loomed over while I was getting ready) . All geared up, we began our brisk walk, as the Sun now shined bright over our heads. Passing by several graceful houses, we soon reached a lar...