My first 365 days away

Its 365 days already. This November 11th marks my one year anniversary - of staying away from home. And seeing my parents and sis. Yes, seeing them. (Skype never really works, does it?) Duh, skype is almost always horrible - killing the first fifteen mins with 'can you see?', 'lower the camera', 'keep mic a little farther', 'stand in a place and talk' etc etc., Damn. 

Time Flies:
Oki, so uhmm, I recollect the day I started off to India. With Diwali celebrations just two days before my departure, I had absolutely no plans of what to do in India (But I did have a list of to-eat itsems, lol ). It was when S could no longer come after the check-in counter, I realized
how much I will miss him - and tears did dwell up - for both of us (I had secretly left him stick-notes in each and every corner of the house - even in his wallet - that would make him feel my presence). 

Its the same flying airplane animation infront of me - again. I remember seeing it fly over the seas in another flight, but for other reasons. This time it created an overwhelming joy - with every passing moment, it brought me a little more close to my home. Going home to me, meant seeing my dad, mom, sis in action - and actually touch them! Of course, people say I could Skype anytime - but it never really worked. Mom, dad would go to hospital, Sis to college and by then we/ they have dinner - so nah! And - I get to speak my language! Yeah S and I speak different Indian languages at our homes - and now I speak only his after wedding (exception: viber phone calls to my home). So it kinda makes me yearn to speak and chit-chat in my mother tongue for a long time.

I stayed in my in-laws place the first ten days and when the time came for me to go to my home, I couldn't wait. I never really understood what women find in their mom's houses after marriage. Jetzt verstehe ich alles. Every day went by going to relatives' places, eating mom's Briyani, my list of to-eat foods and sweets, going to malls with dad and mom (separately so I had daddy-girl time and women-time), clapping and watching movies in theatres, sipping coffee at Coffee-Day with sis, cousins staying overnight at my place, chit-chatting and oh, showing them my cooking, going to beauty salons etc etc., (Ahh, it felt so wonderful)

Time simply flew. Literally. But the reality was - every day spent meant one day less to my return. However, those 30 days were the best (ofcourse I  did text S everyday) The time to say Goodbye soon came. Dad, mom, sis, mil and fil had come to the airport. As we sat at the waiting lounge, I could see dad diverting himself reading newspaper. Mom's face was flushed pink already. Sis and I were playing a silly game of hitting each other's palms. Mil was teary. I was her first girl-company (as she has two sons) and she now was so used to keep calling my name every now-and-then. 

The speakers read my flight's announcement. I started saying See-ya. Mil and Fil gave a slight smile and asked me to update them once I finish all formalities inside. I remember holding dad's fat hands tight and say him bye. I gave mom a tight hug and pinched off the cheek of my sis (I do so ever since she was 3). I could hear my sis call out Bei, bei, beeiii .. as I walked off towards the check-in. I still could hear her call out. I dialed dad's mobile while I could still see him and mom peeping at me, and said 'Okie ba, I'm going in now - Bybye'. Somehow "I will miss you" is something I could never tell them, hmm.

It's December:
The count down has started. The streets have been decorated. The Christmas markets are slowly opening up. I await for Winter. I await to going home yet again. S is going home after 20 months - his longest ever gap. He is absolutely thrilled - and elated to enjoy every moment of his stay. I have a lott of plans this trip, shopping, travel, home, friends and cousins-time (hopefully the girls' day out plan works out - I really really hope!) Maybe I wont get too sentimental this year in my return. Let's see.

Come on December! 


  1. Ha ha.... like that ...... never really understood what women find in their mom's houses after marriage.

  2. Haha it definitely is different @Haddock .. Its the fact that you will be pampered at your mom's house like nowhere else, at any time.

    Maybe your daughter will explain you (if you have one) :)


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