Yearly wrap - up

As months pass by, its time I realize the year spins off so fast as an arrow. 

2014 New Year's eve was our first as a couple - and we had an amazing time in Vienna, at their Volkfest. I have a picture of me and S with all of our friends - and me wearing a bunny-ears-hairband with lights flickering. Absolute fun. It feels just now that we celebrated our first Love- Anniv, and then our official Anniv, went to Prague, had my in-laws here, drove to NorwayRügen - watched leaves spring, bloom, fade and die off -
And oh, I can now speak and write decent German (although it has drastically reduced my English diction - it has this weird inverse propotion I guess, duh). Psst - I also topped my class in the German Exam (*lifts collar). Also, I have now joined a Mini Job (Yay - und deshalb habe ich keine Zeit zu schreiben) Know what? It felt wonderful when I told my parents I found a part-time job - I almost had tears as I told my dad through Viber - Mainly because it was the day my dad was officially retiring from his job. Mom was elated. Sis was super proud I guess - she was in college when I called, so mom had to tell her. And S had those cutie extra happiness filled in his eyes, as he bid me By-bye that morning.

I danced classical Bharatnatyam after around 15 years in Diwali - Lichterfest in my city, made new friends. Lost in touch with few. Bought new microwave oven, home-theater speakers and my bicycle. My dad retired. Mom is delighted. Little sis is now engaged !!(She'll also be coming to my state here after wedding - wohoo). I've become bade bahu - Got my first-ever salary, started paying attention to makeup and nailpaints. Managed to finally surprise S on his birthday... Hmm.. Lot more.. I've grown a little - or I'd say, I've started learning to say NO. And talk out my views. 

Actually, It's much rewarding to be me - super -friendly to comfort-zoned people, shy to others, straight-forward, short-tempered, rather than trying to "mould" or change myself. Those who love you, wont need explanations - and those who do not like you, wont hear your explanations. So why worry? It has really made things a lot easier and good for you in long term I'd say - Give it a try and see na?

Wow. So much has happened.

This New Year 2015 will begin in India.

I'm flying to India in five days - six weeks of festivity, sarees, sweets, trip with dad,mom and sis, shopping and movies with S, spending time at in-laws, catching up with my bestie after 5years (let's see if she can make up - and I manage to sneak in - I really hope we both get our planned 3 hours of meet-up). S is simply on clouds - he's going home after wedding only now - almost one and half years - his biggest gap ever. As always, "going to India" has still not registered in me - hmm .. Guess only after I reach there, merge into Indian events and home, I'll start getting comfortable (and then I become a cry baby as I return - lol). 

Its almost 3 am as I write this here, I need to get some sleep now (*yawns). And as for you, I'll pakka squeeze in sometime and make up posts from India. I'll get you pictures too of India - Mom said its now chill in my place - And yes of course, we have plenty of Sun. 

So, Here's wishing you all a very Happy New Year 2015 !!!! 

Just Remember > New year heißt - new hopes - new happenings -new friendships - new job - new relationships : So, wait and watch.

- Last post from Germany, 2014


  1. So for Christmas you will be in amchi gaon.......
    Good :-)


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