Tots and Greys

I, almost everyday, travel by bus to my tiny town's city center. Be it to work, supermarket, girly-shopping, dinner date with S, friends meet-up - whatever - I take the bus, if it's cold outside. Simple. Hmm .. Actually, this gives me plenty of time to people-watch, look out the window, chit-chat with friends, write a quick email to S, or .. simply gaze at the floor.

Unlike our Indian buses, where people get in both the doors, and swing by the stairs along the drive, here the buses have an Entry and an Exit - rules and rules - Follow it I say. But, there's an exception to this 'Rule' -
the toddlers with their parents, old people and sometimes people with their pets standing! Oh, and you can also take your bicycle -but by buying another ticket for your bicycle, for its space- Well, there're pretty a lot of people travelling this way, especially in the Summers - considering their love for bicycles. Yes, why wouldn't they? When an Outsider like me finds cycling amusing! So, this Entry - is a door opposite the driver, who checks your tickets and lets you in, or - chucks you out. Yeah, yeah - he speaks only German - of course : even if you ask in English - atleast in my place. I've heard Berlin, Frankfurt kind of bigger cities are multilingual. Never knew there wouldn't be a conductor in Germany(*giggling). And then there's the Exit in the middle of the bus - which also has a huge leg space- Now this is where, these baby-mums and older people are reserved to - mainly because they could park their uhmm.. wagen .. what do I say it in English .. the stroller, yes. 

One can see babies in these baby carts - their parents click so it balances during the travel. Just alongside, would also park an elderly person, their support carriages. Both of them, contain similar items on their cart's pouches - mostly water, some food, woolen scarves/head wears, extra gloves etc., It somehow reminds me of how Life takes its toll - at the end of the day, we all become what we grew up to. Life is too short - to be worried of petty things : lack of appreciation, negligence in friendships, love and career. 

If you count your blessings and start to name them one by one, you can't believe how much to thank God / yourself (if you have no belief on God) for what you have :) So, the next time you see a tiny tot - or an aged person, just give a moment of thought - to focus on all the happy moments ever happened and happening to you. 


  1. Must travel in Germany one day (by bus)
    I have had some good experience while traveling in Amsterdam (by bus)


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