Fall begins

You know the Fall begins when -  the blue skies, chirpy birds, buzzing insects, colorful flowers are all still just like how it was two months back - just that you need to wear your hoodie. Yes, the winds kill you as hell with the chills running own your spine. Sometimes I feel: maybe it is more because I'm an Indian. No, seriously.
I am used to having a warm tropical temperature throughout the year (at least where I live, you can't really generalize Indian climate: the Himalayan Snow, the Thar deserts, the Kerala Monsoons, the Sunderbans - it differs). So I'm pretty much decked up during Winters.

Leaves say it all:
Maple leaf
This is my first year - of seeing repeat seasons. One of my favorite reason to look forward the Fall (weird - foreigners call Autumn - Fall: *shreds shoulders) is the Maple leaf (weird again?). I always liked its shape, the bright red and the sheer fact that I haven't seen one in India. With the end of Winter's snow and the rains - I still wouldn't have been able to differentiate the arrival of Summer if not for the 'first leaves'! And the longer days. As the calender shows mid September, the plants start to slow down their rapid growth and fruit-production - it was as if they were 'getting old'. The winds seem to gush faster, the Sun sets earlier - and our eyes seem to go dimmer and dimmer earlier. The sun no longer sets at 10 pm German Time (never happens in India) - its 7:30 pm now. I was literally shivering today, with the Sun blazing right over my head. I felt myself kinda funny - wearing a summer top, a jean, a shawl and hugging myself tight with the hoodie. You can never dress appropriate here - maybe I should carry a backup costume with the day-noon changes in weather, duh. 

Coloring of leaves:
I always wonder how these tiny leaves manage to change 'colors'. What if we too changed colors as per seasons? Oh no, then we have to drop our limbs every Winter! Okie, so with a bit of Googling, I found the black sheep responsible for this color change. It is primarily the color pigments: chlorophyll - green, carotene - yellow and anthocyanins - red. All the three pigments are in the leaves - except that they display the colors based on the amount of sun that falls on them and certain chemical activities. This is why you see half yellow and half red in some fruits/leaves. If you are geeky and curious to understand the chemical reactions part going on inside, have a look here

Fall in Germany:
Autumn in Germany
With the drop in temperatures, comes the drop in airfare and hotel tariff in Germany. The locals are back home, the schools are open - and the wine festivals are in full swing. In September and October, the weather is still pleasant with Sun shining, flowers in full bloom and golden beautiful foliage around. You call still enjoy outdoors, but as always - you never know a German Weather. So be prepared for a chill windy evening or sudden rainy spells. The only exception with higher prices will be during the OktoberFest. 

Know what? Fall is not always without-activity. You can still read your favorite book at the park, take your dog a walk, enjoy the cooler winds with a cup of chaai, wear three-fourths and go swimming (indoors..hehe)!  In September and October,the world-famous OktoberFest opens its gates in Bavaria. Every year millions of people flock to Munich, just to drink beer, enjoy music, dance and have amazing fun times. Damn I haven't yet been to one! It is a festival with colorful celebrations, Bavarian culture, cuisine and a unique way to experience German tradition. Also take a drive along the German Wine Road during Fall season, to sense the scenic beauty. Make sure to make a stopover at Bad Dürkheim - It hosts the Wurstmarket: the world's largest wine festival. And so, the Fall begins!


  1. Wonders of nature, the leaves that change its colours.
    Yes Oktoberfest is something that I would like to see one day.

  2. So beautiful! I've always wanted to visit Germany one day! :)


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