Look up from your phone - Result

Ta ta daa.. Hallo...!!

Surprise Evening Meetup;

Hey, sorry for the delay. I had to go for an Evening get-together with my classmates all of a sudden! The planing and excuting never works for us, wonder why.. and so when a spontaneous 'Are you coming?, Do you have time?' ,'Oh yes I am coming' works..Yohoo I jumped in too ! And I made sure, I reduce my usage/looking into my smartphone as much as possible. Trust me..it felt sooo good!
No instant status updating, no checking-in, no tagging, no nothing :) We spent time talking with each other, somehow I felt my heart a little less stressed, a little more truth, and a little more respect to the people who are actually with you, at this moment.

Smartphoneless Outing

And oh yeah, my first visit to the swimming pool without my smart phone! Seriously readers, you should give it a try. Initially, you feel kinda lost without your smartphone, even for looking up bus timings, scrolling uselessly on the n-number of times seen Facebook updates blah blah.. Uhmm..I  trusted my watch for clock (who ties a watch these days, its all smartphones!), looked around the neighborhood, watched kids running around,  looked up the bus chart in the bus stop for the timings..it all felt so nice ! Real I would say!..That is one thing I am soo impressed by the German System. In India, it would be a miracle to have a bus come on time! Nor do we look into the Minute hand of the clock. I found it weird why my bf used to say 'bus is at 16:20, I gotta go now, talk to you later dear'. I used to wonder (while I was in India - oh he's too obsessed these days! Lol) I mean, why would he be so specific!

I am awed by the punctuality of the Germans, it makes life a lot more easier. People start to look into their watches, even if its a minute delayed or so. If you say, I will be there at 8 , you have to be there at 8, not 7.35 nor 8.10 .. Yeah, you do not get into their good books, if you are early (weird o.O). These days I have pushed myself in maintaining punctuality (It really is hard for an Indian :D ), afterall 'Be a Roman while in Rome, it is' :D


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