Willkommen bei Deutschland

The excitement of seeing the 'so-long-only-heard' of Germany ( from my BOYFRIEND who did his Masters in Aachen - yeah yeah, he is the one who is my husband now :D ; yet I somehow find referring him bf better ) and leaving MY HOME far far away was such a mixed feeling you know?
Have you been on a flight for longer than an hour? Oh well, I was definitely not in one ! No wonder I was so frantically excited. I was intently watching the air hostess' demonstrate safety instructions, trying every food and drink on board, wandering around the plane and making use of ALL media available. As the simulator showed our plane moving towards Germany, I started feeling the 'actual distance' from India.

My flight was BOOKED just 10 days after my 4-day long wedding (It was absolutely a dream wedding .. psst.. I will soon be posting of it) WEDDING preparations, stress, fun, dance and enjoyment was still afresh as I boarded the plane, not realizing how much I will miss them after leaving India.

I still cant believe my VISA process was done in 2 months and I was actually flying to Germany. It was the end of April, during which usually begins our hottest days in India, and I was thrilled to put my first step out of the plane (wondering how chill it would be). I still have a picture of me, having my very first meal in the German Airport - A Salami Pizza (the firsts dont return you see :D)

The very 'first' of my list of soo many new things, was the coin-for-trolley system ! There are TROLLEYS in India too, but never seen/ known coins being used as a lock system for holding them in line. Smart idea, dont you think? ! It was later, that I realized Germans differ from India, in ways much more than I expected.

Willkommen bei Deutschland !


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