Road to Weltmeister

OMG !! OMG ! I cant wait to narrate the World cup Finale this Sunday Evening. Its Cricket, which has always been the most talked about/ watched game in India. So I never really had 'seen' Football (FuBball as in German - I kinda like it that way somehow, sounds better na? Fussball - its pronounced, just in case you are curious) can make people go crazy.

Weltmeister Goodies:

Goodies = Display of creativity. Every cup is different, and so are the goodies. This year, the one which I was so drawn to, were the stickers you can paste in cars, along the rear mirror , bonnet and also on cycles. I happened to see a kid (3 years or so) having a flag attached to her cycle and pushing alongside her dad (Walking on both legs with her head gear in 'the cycle path' was cycling for her, so adorable !). For women it was
the flag coloured hair clips, flag coloured ear rings and best of all - an earring in the shape of a football ! Haha .. it looked so cute on the German girls ! The rest were the usuals, garlands, pens, arm bands, t shirts, 6 foot flags, cheerleaders' bunch of glitter papers, donuts, cakes, balloons, flags, and oh yeah the trumpets, hats and drums ! (Really?)

How I met Football :

My first Football ever and the one where I got into some serious research knowing the rules, players and other stats was World cup 2010 (I still consider the Octopus played a major role into my inspiration towards Football!)  Those were the nights I used to stay awake, watching Football in 2 am - Definitely a devil, I say. I secretly wished my bf and I would get to witness the next Worldcup together - live in Germany. Looking back today, it makes me feel so so lucky and thankful to everyone who made it happen. (Oh special thanks to you, Visa Department)

Ok, back to reality. You know the World Cup has started, when you get the timetable along with the daily paper. And I did hang it over my TV Stand, so I can fill in the daily goal scores.  (Back in India, my dad and I used to stick the Cricket World cup timetable, arguing pointlessly that sticking this poster made Indian team win/ It was like war, especially when the first match of Germany against Portugal started. People displaying their patriotism, betting around with number of goals, and some even so confident Germany will win that they would not even watch the match !! (o.O) 

How I watched Germany vs Portugal:

We (my bf and I) had plans to watch it at the public viewing, but looked like Nature had planned otherwise. Even before the match discussions started, clouds had started their game. Birds hurrying to their nests, dark greying of clouds, chill breeze and there.. it began with sprinkles, drizzles and went on to pour .. on and on and on .. !! It seemed like forever. No the rain dint stop, even until half time was over.

What next? We placed our laptop as the Public viewing screen, put up the Garden table and chair, brought in Nuggets and Cola - Voila ! Our set up was ready in our balcony. It was such a beautiful way of watching the game. Rain pouring over us, the fresh smell of Earth, birds shuffling away water drops from their feathers and the cool air brushing past you. Try it, if you get a chance like this, it sure is so amazing !


And so, it was Finale !! Its so weird that so many Auslaenders (Foreigners as Germans refer us) chose to cheer against Germany. If it were your Homeland, then okay, it is acceptable. How can you live in a country, work and lead a life here, but still choose otherwise?! (Thats not fair!) 

Having been here for over a year, I personally feel Germany close to heart, next to India, of course. I was all pumped up for the Grand Finale and we went to the Public Viewing , this time with our whole group nevertheless the rains! Crowd had started flowing in from morning, eagerly waiting and cheering! It was tightly packed when we reached the spot an hour before the game.

I could see flags, trumpets, balloons, food and lots of Beer ! Now that I can speak pretty decent German, I dont feel tensed when I bump in a German fan. We even asked a few to click our pictures. As the game progressed towards half-time, people were getting more serious, covering themselves in tension and flags, delaying the refill of Beer mugs, yet secretly praying we would emerge winners this time and not just 'Finalists'.

And the half time finished, first extra gone and the 112' came the Tor ! What a roar it was.. !

Oleeee Oleee Olee Super Deutschland Super Deutschland Super Deutschland Olee Olee ...

We could not contain our excitement ! That moment you realize Germany is the Weltmeister after 24 years and you are witnessing it live in Germany.. We were all smiles, howling, dancing Indian steps, jumping, cheering, whatsapping, video recording and facebook status updating !! One of my friends back in India congratulated the win saying 'Hey your coach is hawt'.. lol seriously is that all you got to say? (That he sure is ;) was my reply :D hehe)

There was immense happiness in a 60-year old, who said he had been waiting for this moment, like forever. How lucky we were, to have witnessed this ! Never really seen that a game can actually bring people of all races together. We even made friends in the spur of moment. What joy it felt ! Absolutely amazing.

This win, however, was not a final of recriminations but more a story of a German plan that came together, in the best possible way, and culminating in Lahm raising that piece of Gold they had to wait for 24 years, to the skies.


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